
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Brazilian Beans & Rice

Honestly, this is a recipe I make at least once a week. For one, they are amazingly delicious and simple to make. Secondly, when you are on a budget, beans and rice are the way to go. Plus beans and brown rice are great sources of fiber, which can help with weight loss. 
The beans can also be made in a pressure cooker, which really helps to lower down on cooking time. Instead of 2-3 hours, it only takes around 30-40 minutes to cook the beans. The rice can also be made in a rice cooker. I like to sauté the rice first and then place it into the rice cooker, add the water and salt, and let it cook away. 
In my opinion, beans and rice are a staple food in a vegetarian or vegans diet. They're so full of nutrition and a great way to replace other protein foods. So, I hope you enjoy this recipe and give it a try. 

2 cups black beans, rinsed and soaked for 2+ hours
8-10 cups of water, added over time
4-7 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 onion, minced
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
3 Bay leaves
salt to taste

Place olive oil, garlic, and onion into a large pot on a medium-high heat. Sauté them until the onions are transparent. Add 4 cups of water, black beans, bay leaf, and salt. Allow beans to cook until they are soft and tender. It usually takes between 2-3 hours to fully cook. Continue to add water throughout the cooking time, checking periodically to make sure they don't loose too much water. 

1 cup brown rice, rinsed and drained
2 cups water
1/2-1 tsp salt
1-2 Tbsp olive oil

In a pot add the olive oil and rice, on a medium heat. Sauté the rice until it is a little bit golden brown and somewhat dry. Add the water and bring it to a boil. Once it starts to boil add the salt, and allow it to boil for about 3-4 more minutes. Put the lid on the pot, and put the heat down to low. Allow the rice to cook for 30-35 minutes, until the water has evaporated and the rice is tender.

1 bulb of garlic, minced
3 Tbsp olive oil, or more/less if needed

Place a pan on a medium heat and add the olive oil and garlic. Sauté the garlic until it is nice and golden brown. It usually takes about 4-6 minutes to full cook. 

Eat and enjoy! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Homemade Fruit Rollups

Remember getting fruit rollups as a kid? Well, I sure do. Even now that I'm not a kids I still like to at least get the fruit straps, which are similar but more adult like. This is even better because it's homemade so you know exactly what is it in. Actually it's only 3 ingredients! You can't beat that.
If you're having a craving for something sweet, but are wanting to stay away from sugar or high calorie sweets, then this is the sweet treat to grab for. 

2 cups of ripe fruit, or frozen fruit
2 tsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp agave nectar, or maple syrup

First you want to preheat your oven to 180 degrees farenheit, or less. Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until it is pureed and smooth. Pour it onto a baking sheet that has parchment paper or a silicon mat on it. You can use a sieve to strain out the seeds, or you can pour it directly onto your pan. Place in the oven for 5-6 hours, until the center is not tacky. 
Once it is cooled off, peel it off and place it onto a piece of parchment paper. Then begin to roll it up, and cut into 1" pieces. 
Eat and Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Vegan Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate anyone? Come on, we all know how nice a cup of hot chocolate can be on a cold winter night. This recipe is great because there are only 3 ingredients, and most people have these in their house anyway. So heat it up and enjoy it with someone special.

2 cups soy milk (you can use any milk alternative you want)
1/4 cup vegan chocolate chips or vegan chocolate
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Turn burner onto a medium heat. In a sauce pan add the soy milk and vanilla, and wait until it is warm enough to melt the chocolate chips. Once it is warm enough, add the chocolate chips and stir until they are completely melted. Continue to heat it up until it is the temperature you desire. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Pão de banana

Pão de banana

Com antecedência peço desculpas pelo meu português, eu sou americana e tive o contato e a oportunidade de aprender o português quando vivi em Manaus por 6 semanas. Continuo aprendendo 
mantendo contato com meus amigos brasileiros, e por fim, amo cozinhar, e...

Esta receita é uma das minhas favoritas, porque é simples de fazer e também muito deliciosa. Eu espero que vocês gostem. Se você gostou deste vídeo e quiser saber mais por favor "subscribe" ou deixe seu comentário abaixo e eu vou tentar fazer mais vídeos em português para você.

Vamos a Receita:
3 bananas
1/3 xícara de manteiga derretida
3/4 xícara de açúcar
1 colher de chá de baunilha
1 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
pitada de sal
1 1/2 xícaras de farinha de trigo
misture 3 colher de sopa de água com 1 colher de sopa de semente de linhaça moída

Em uma tigela amasse as bananas 3 com um garfo até que estejam bem amassadas e então adicione a manteiga derretida.

Depois adicione o bicarbonato de sódio, sal, açúcar, baunilha e combinação de linhaça. Finalmente adicione a farinha e misture bem até que esteja completamente uniforme.

Despeje a massa em uma forma para pão untada com manteiga. Pre-aqueça seu forno a 180 graus em seguida ponha para assar por 50 a 60 minutos. Verifique se está bem assado com o velho segredo do palito, alfinetando o seu pão bem no meio e se o palito ele sair limpo o pão está pronto mas se ainda tiver massa nele(o palito), ponha de volta para assar por mais alguns minutos.

Retire seu pão de banana do forno e coloque em algum lugar para resfriar. Ok, está pronto para servir. O mais importante, divirta-se!

Muito Obrigada!